As I stormed Zend.

Dear habradi. In the first lines of this letter I say thank you, hapalyam who wrote Introduction to Zend Framework and Introduction to Zend Framework (continued). Thanks to these articles, I finally made my dream and began slowly but surely to teach HIM. But before you rush into battle, I would like to ask a few questions, and get advice from people who long ago in Zend'e, in order from the beginning not to go down the wrong path.

1. The first question and the philosophical. Whether to use a third-party salonsaari, in my case is Smarty, or it makes sense to only work with Zend_View?

2. Reading documentation I stumbled upon a Zend_Form which in my opinion provides a very convenient mechanism for working with forms. But! But whether it is convenient to use in practice, and what is the mechanism of registration forms transmitted from the controller to the view. I pokazalos, that C a design point of view still more convenient to use a simple HTML form. If not, tell me where I'm wrong.

3. If someone has the ability to give view source, where gramatno implemented at least a simple user authentication mechanism, I would be eternally grateful.

Thank you all for any opinions.

upd: Prerenal Zend Framework
upd2: a Question about Zend_Auth — is completely eliminated. Thank you BobiKK for link which is very sensibly described the basics, as well as LionAlex for article which he published when I typed this post.
Article based on information from
