Automation of metrics for a web service using GoogleDocs + Google Script
my name is Genghis, I'm the co-founder of a web service for command decision tasks
We, at the service tracked the number of monitoring metrics. Visit, registration, conversion, activation, retention, churn and so on. Metrics are in a pivot table in Google Docs. The data for metrics is gathered manually from Google Analytics and from our service. Having spent quite a bit of time, we automated this collection.
A prototype Excel pivot table took a financial model Matthew Carroll for startups.
The data in a table in Google Docs were driven manually. In the end, I was updated every month metrics manually, until I stumbled on overview about services that allow you to visualize metrics
In the West, such services have a lot. For example:
I wanted more time to automate this process. But since the services were many, and the table was already set up and “normal”, I decided to try to automate the receipt of data into the spreadsheet in Google Docs with the help of Google Script
So my task was:
After spending half a day on the parse documentation, I wrote a simple script that you can use to get your metrics in your Excel file
Create a new script ( you must have Google account )
2. copy the code
Places that you need to make changes, I marked comments with of panic “!!!!!”.
You can run the script by hand once a month. But you can configure Kron to run automatically “Menu -> Resourсe -> Manage Triggers”.
Run the function “setNewMetrics()”.
Hope this helps somebody to automate the acquisition of metrics in Google Docs. Answer the questions ).
Article based on information from
We, at the service tracked the number of monitoring metrics. Visit, registration, conversion, activation, retention, churn and so on. Metrics are in a pivot table in Google Docs. The data for metrics is gathered manually from Google Analytics and from our service. Having spent quite a bit of time, we automated this collection.
A prototype Excel pivot table took a financial model Matthew Carroll for startups.
The data in a table in Google Docs were driven manually. In the end, I was updated every month metrics manually, until I stumbled on overview about services that allow you to visualize metrics
In the West, such services have a lot. For example:
I wanted more time to automate this process. But since the services were many, and the table was already set up and “normal”, I decided to try to automate the receipt of data into the spreadsheet in Google Docs with the help of Google Script
So my task was:
- get data from Google Analytics for the last month the
- to obtain data from the service over the last month the
- to insert data into the table the page with formatting
After spending half a day on the parse documentation, I wrote a simple script that you can use to get your metrics in your Excel file
Create a new script ( you must have Google account )
2. copy the code
function setNewMetrics() {
// select the Excel which we are going to write data //////////////////
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("0AjAbTD8WcDQMdC1MWmtUR3VlUWJTSHIzq0dsss1hsgc"); // Insert the hash of your Excel page to which we write !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
var sheet= SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheets()[1]); // select page(sheet) in Excel file !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Logger.log("page Title = "+sheet.getName()); // Check whether we selected the page - run the script "Run menu-> setNewMetrics" - I press CNTRL + ENTER - see the log
var sCol = new Array(); // array for the data that we insert in Excel
// generated date
var d = new Date();
var monthNames = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June","July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ];
var cMonth= d.getMonth(); var cYear = d.getFullYear();
cMonth= (cMonth + 12 - 1) % 12 // search for last month ( if you need stats for 2 month ago "1" is replaced by "2" )
if ( (cMonth-1) > 0 ) cYear--; // adjust year if Jan
cMonth_str var = monthNames[cMonth];
sCol[1] = cMonth_str+" "+cYear; // recorded month
// get data from GA /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Before interacting with the GA API, you need to "enable" API, detailed instructions
// when you need to get your profile in function getProfile() below
var sProfile=getProfile(); // select and connect the desired profile of the GA, the function need to customize your profile, see below !!!!!!
var oGA = getReportDataForProfile(sProfile).getTotalsForAllResults(); // get the data, metrics can be set in this function !!!!!!
sCol[3] = oGA["ga:visits"]; // recorded visits
sCol[12] = oGA["ga:goalCompletionsAll"]/oGA["ga:visits"]; // got conversion Visit-> Trial
Logger.log( "Data from GA -> "+sCol[12]); // check whether received data GA
// get and process a JSON file with the metrics that I get from the service /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Need to fix the script with the format of your JSON file
var opts = {"contentType":"multipart/form-data", "method" : "post",}
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("", opts); // get metrics from the service in JSON format like this
{"24":{"date":"February 2011","new_paid":"360","churn":2},
"23":{"date":"March 2011","new_paid":"38","churn":2}}
var jsondata = response.getContentText();
jsondata = JSON.parse(jsondata); // parsim the data obtained in the variable jsondata
for (var month in jsondata) {
//Logger.log("==>"+month+jsondata[month] + jsondata[month]["date"]);
// found the data for last month - makes their !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sCol[7] = jsondata[month]["new"];
sCol[8] = jsondata[month]["lost"];
sCol[22] = jsondata[month]["churn"]+"%";
sCol[23] = jsondata[month]["churn_paid"]+"%";
sCol[25] = jsondata[month]["ltv"];
// record in Excel ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// I'll write in the last column of the Excel file. fill the content of the last column
var sLastcolumn = sheet.getLastColumn()+1;
var oRange = sheet.getRange(1,sLastcolumn ) ;
for (var i=1; i<(sCol.length+1); i++) {
if (sCol[i]) oRange.setValue(sCol[i]); // write value in cell
oRange = oRange.offset(1, 0, 1, 1); // move the pointer down
// copy the format from a previous column
var oRange1 =sheet.getRange(1,sLastcolumn-1,100,1) // get the range of the previous columns and one hundred rows of records
oRange1.copyFormatToRange(sheet,sLastcolumn,sLastcolumn,1,100);// copy format
// the function selects the desired profile from GA(google analytics)
function getProfile() {
var accounts = Analytics.Management.Accounts.list();
if (accounts.getItems()) {
var firstAccountId = accounts.getItems()[1].getId(); // select the desired account from Google Analytics ( number "1" may need to change "your")!!!!!
//Logger.log(accounts.getItems()[1].getName()); // check
var webProperties = Analytics.Management.Webproperties.list(firstAccountId);
if (webProperties.getItems()) {
var firstWebPropertyId = webProperties.getItems()[10].getId();// get the profile №10 ( the profile number is picked by too much)) !!!!!!!
//Logger.log(webProperties.getItems()[10]);// check the profile
var profiles = Analytics.Management.Profiles.list(firstAccountId, firstWebPropertyId);
if (profiles.getItems()) {
var Profile = profiles.getItems()[0];
return Profile;
} else {
throw new Error('No profiles found.');
} else {
throw new Error('No webproperties found.');
} else {
throw new Error('No accounts found.');
function getReportDataForProfile(firstProfile) {
// function addresses in Google Analytics data and receives data for the last month
var profileid as = firstProfile.getId();
var tableId = 'ga:' + profileid as;
var sLastMonthRange = getLastMonth(1); //
var optArgs = {
/* 'dimensions': 'ga:keyword', // Comma separated list of dimensions.
'sort': '-ga:visits,ga:keyword', // Sort by visits descending, then keyword.
'segment': 'dynamic::ga:isMobile==Yes', // Process only mobile traffic.
'filters': 'ga:source==google', // Display only google traffic.
'start-index': '1',
'max-results': '250' // Display the first 250 results.*/
// Make a request to the API.
var results = Analytics.Data.Ga.get(
tableId, // Table id (format ga:xxxxxx).
sLastMonthRange[0], // Start-date (format yyyy-MM-dd).
sLastMonthRange[1], // End-date (format yyyy-MM-dd).
'ga:visits, ga:pageviews,ga:goalCompletionsAll', // Comma seperated list of metrics. (
if (results.getRows()) {
return results;
} else {
throw new Error('No profiles found');
// date functions
function getLastNdays(nDaysAgo) {
var today = new Date();
var before = new Date();
before.setDate(today.getDate() - nDaysAgo);
return Utilities.formatDate(before, 'GMT', 'yyyy-MM-dd');
getLastMonth function() {
var sNow = new Date();
var dd = sNow.getDate();
var mm = sNow.getMonth();
var yyyy = sNow.getFullYear();
var sStart = new Date( yyyy, mm-1, 2, 0,0,1 );
var sDays = daysInMonth(yyyy, mm-1) ;
var sEnd = new Date( yyyy, mm-1, sDays+1, 0,0,1 );
//Logger.log(sStart + ""+ sEnd + ' -- ' + sDays);
return [ Utilities.formatDate(sStart, 'GMT', 'yyyy-MM-dd') , Utilities.formatDate(sEnd, 'GMT', 'yyyy-MM-dd') ] ;
function daysInMonth(year, month) {
return new Date(year, month, 0).getDate();
Places that you need to make changes, I marked comments with of panic “!!!!!”.
You can run the script by hand once a month. But you can configure Kron to run automatically “Menu -> Resourсe -> Manage Triggers”.
Run the function “setNewMetrics()”.
Hope this helps somebody to automate the acquisition of metrics in Google Docs. Answer the questions ).
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