"Eco-driving" with the new terminal Cellocator IQ of 50: a hands-on review

it's No secret that the ability to analyze driver behavior behind the wheel and his style of driving today is a very important issue. "Eco-driving" to reduce fuel consumption by approximately 16%, reduce harmful emissions and significantly improve safety on the roads. With proper driving reduced total trip time, increasing average speed, and significantly reduced the time spent stopping and pulling away when driving in traffic, due to the deceleration in advance before approaching a red traffic signal and hit a "green wave". Thus, eco-friendly drivers are saving more and arrive at the destination sooner.

In the spring of this year the company Pointer Telocation are well — known manufacturer of equipment for satellite monitoring from Israel, has released a new terminal IQ 50, which, among other advantages, provides the ability to analyze the driving style of the driver, and the processing of input data may occur in the instrument, and ready reports are transmitted to the receiving server.
This feature is especially relevant for rental and leasing of cars for shippers and courier services. It is no secret that injuries that get put on hire or rent cars, are often the result of irresponsible driving behavior, resulting in significant costs to the repair and maintenance of vehicles and fuel costs.

Now everything is in order.

First of all, the IQ 50 terminal has a compact size, intuitive interface, and a number of unique functional properties, including a built — in GPS antenna with the ability to connect external. This solution allows to duplicate the work of external antenna in case of its damage, for example, the intervention of the driver side.

The SIM card holder is a time – tested Amfenol SimLock, a voltage regulator is implemented on a 3-amp LM22670, GSM antenna built in, soldered on the end of the PCB. Used GPRS modem — hethylendiamine Telit GE864-QUAD Automotive V2, which has a low profile, extended temperature range, increased protection from electromagnetic radiation, and meets all standards of the automotive M2M market. As a backup battery used high quality LiPol battery with capacity of 1000 mAh. The CPU STMicroelectronics STM32F103, ARMCortex-M3.

Supplied directly by the device also comes with all necessary for mounting the device on a vehicle. For programming, commissioning and testing equipments Pointer created software, with which even novice integrators will be able to fine-tune hardware for specific tasks. The program interface is convenient and intuitive, pop-up hints when you hover on the parameter make it easy to understand the programming of a function or parameter of the device. A distinctive feature of the device is the quantity and quality of available additional accessories and sensors. For terminal IQ 50 also created special accessories, such as protective silicone case, and now integrators will not have to pick up protective measures against external influences.

In addition, as I mentioned above, the IQ 50 terminal provides opportunity to analyze the driving style of the driver and processing of input data may occur in the instrument, and ready reports are sent to the receiving server. Thus, the device of the Cello IQ detects and sends reports on vehicle state (engine status, idling time and in motion); the behavior of the driver in the form of a predefined set of events and raw data of hazardous driving ("safety"), emergency events, and primary data on the emergency (the "Registrar") for the subsequent reconstruction of events, as well as data on wasteful driving from the point of view of fuel consumption and accelerated wear of the subsystems of the vehicle (eco-driving) and other information. All of the above reports have been successfully implemented in the satellite monitoring system Wialon Hosting so there is no need to use additional software for processing the data coming from IQ 50.
Summing up we can say that IQ 50 — qualitatively made device with broad functionality, which provides stable and reliable operation, even in harsh working conditions.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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