March Habrameeting in Kiev

March Habrameeting in Kiev. More under the cut

The meeting will be held on March 23, from 11:00 until 16:00, coworking journal on Lev Tolstoy square. On Saturday (for those who are in the calendar have got):

It is assumed seven reports (one specified).
List of speakers:
Ilya Kowalewski "What is Qt and what you can do with him", Namespace
Oleksandr Krakovetskyy, "where's the money in mobile development?", sashaeve MS MVP
Denis Aramov "cryptography Algorithms — everything is simple and how to use in practice for clients", working in EPAM Systems Ukraine
Sergey Imirek "project management Methodology PRINCE2: overview and comparison with PMBOK", PM at Ciklum
Dmitry Kostyuk, "the Creation of clouds — a personal experience", kostyukdv, technical Director of HostPro
Dmitry Bulanov "the directory Service is: standard-standard tasks", hb860 MS MVP
Andrew Cheredaryk "HP-UX platform for the database server", HP Ukraine
Vladyslav Kushnirov "Client PCs in the era post-PC", a report on market trends from the perspective of user requirements, DELL Ukraine

Online broadcast here

Be active and there will be more.
The cost of meeting 100 UAH. Payment at the entrance, the time spent in the "Journal" at no additional cost (within the framework of the meeting a little bit after).

The easiest way to get on the metro to Leo Tolstoy.

Event registration here

Photos from previous meetings: CLAC, click. Video previous meetings

Report with the seventh Hebraistic in Kiev. And reports with the third, fourth, the fifth and sixth
Those wishing to make a report and just who has the desire to share something interesting in 5 minutes contact me(Skype, email, PM).

Thank you for your assistance in organizing meetings of a Group of companies MUK (VAD it distributor in Ukraine). Every time they helped with video and still photography and then I plan to actively participate in the meetings.
They also will conduct online broadcast of the reports for us.
The meeting was informal, so informal and will be (in essence), but if your company has something to share with the community, can you tell us about the interesting projects, to share something secret — you are welcome.

Presenters are sought for the development of applications to tell about their projects and security.
Email for feedback:

Come, bring, sit, let's talk...

PS Those who are registered and not coming should be ashamed. Please do not be late.
Article based on information from


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