[NeoQuest2017] "MULTISPORT!" and a pink spacesuit

Continuing our series ritabou tasks from past competitions the cyber security NeoQuest2017
This time we will consider the fifth mission: ESPION

Job contained as much as 3 (over200 points). For this reason, this task has become a must-have for those who desire to be "taller"


In the midst of planetary exploration of our instruments signaled the approaching storm! To get to the ship to wait out her there, we didn't have time, to ask for help was not one – the planet is uninhabited. However, we found shelter built, apparently, someone from the last expedition. To enter we need to confirm that you are its Creator, filling out a virtual form. Nothing about this mysterious tenant was unable to learn, but digging in the garbage around the house (and that in war all means are good!), we found an SD card with photos. Maybe they will help us to answer the questions? All hope for them, and that the owner was registered even in some earthly social networks, they're just a wealth of information.

To the job give us a website where you need to fill in a questionnaire about the person: name, place of residence, profession, the name of the dog, etc. Along with a link is an archive containing 200 photos from various sources on the Internet: completely different topics from food to nature, from the animals to the spacecraft.

What are we here to find? The first thing I have uploaded all photos in Picasa: scrolling through most of them, was seen a very interesting photo contain EXIF GPS:

This is clearly a sign! Quickly taking advantage of utility (thanks Betepok) to find accounts in social networks (VK, Instagram), containing photos Geotaged:

python3 ./photobygeo.py -d 200 28.5233 -80.6819 1486512191 1486555391

Has been found necessary character!
Having studied his profile the following data were obtained:

Name: Ivan
Name: Titov
Date of birth: 09.03.1994

For a long time thinking "What crap! it is necessary to do next?" on the wall was seen the message about the sale: "Sell space equipment from NeoSpace, a new model SNQ-17 (this year)!", with a photo of rose ("You don't see?! It's tsiklamenovy!" (C) any other girl) of the suit.

Image search in search engines yielded no results => indexing is still performed. However, the search text is found this advertisement:

Here we learn the place of residence, metro and phone:

Country: Russia
City of residence: Ekaterinburg
Nearest metro station: Botanical
Phone: +7(996)7861065

Further, according to the phone number, punched it on other social networks, and encountered first on THIS page. We get:

Nickname: NeoSpaceHacker
School: 130
Institute: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Profession: Programmer

Quote from the profile "I am a programmer and love to code in esoteric programming languages. Their projects put on public domain!" as it suggests to us that our way is on SourceForge, or GitHub on the ground of such user there, but on the second THERE.

Inside is BestProgrammEver, created for esoteric JAPANESE — Brainfuck:

program displays: Space is never ends!

Further in this direction was a dead end, unlikely to search for IT-the forums will give us the name of his pet :)

Remembering that lost the SD card was a large number of images (Yes!) go to the following network: BINGO
After viewing all the photo cards we get the rest of the information:

Cottage is located in Verkhnyaya Sysert'
The name of his cat: the Graviton (a good idea for nicknames IMHO)
Credit card number: 4024 0071 2387 4108

So, in fact, OSINT, and obeyed the earth!
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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