The salary for show

I once worked in a company where it was impossible to talk about your salary in fear... I don't even know why. As children experience the horror of what “adult zarugaet” and we were afraid to share it. About what punishment awaits us, could only guess.

Hell in the view of Hieronymus Bosch.

And anyway, everybody knew everybody. Why? Because for the law to work, it must be an idea, shared by the majority. What idea was behind this law? The idea to hide unfair pay. After all, if it is true, then why hide it?

When I started my business, I have largely copied his employer. In miniature. I was funny as a 30-centimeter tennis.

Example of idiocy: we had a mailing list for managers, which was signed... two of a person. In fact, we wrote to each other, but via the mailing list on the mail server. “Someday we will grow” — we said.

Once I realized that similar to monkey Stephenson.

5 monkeys in a cage, a banana and ladder.

the Classic experiment that shows how we are complying with rules, which do not see the point.

Step 1. In the cage put 5 monkeys and put the ladder that leads to the banana. When one of the monkeys climbs the banana, all the gush of cold water. Not only her, but everyone. The second climb — again. The result: all the apes have learned my lesson and will not climb.

Step 2. One of life taught by monkeys replaced with new ones. One naive soul immediately reaches for a banana, only to got kicked from the other four. This continues three more times. A surprising number of new monkeys that had never received a spray, actively participated in mochilovo new.

Step 3. Changed all the monkeys. No one knows what beat, but beat new.

So I did. I've never been punished for non-disclosure, I did not understand why this rule, but hard to defend. So I stopped being a monkey Stephenson. At least in this.

Distraction: how we are stuck in their judgments as a whole? What if others hold sacred rules not better? For example, the sanctity of the flag. Or disgust before the incest. More info — moral dilemmas Professor Jonathan Haidt.


As I started to take into account expenses

I decided that people need to know how much the company earns. Or Vice versa, loses.

It didn't come immediately. Yes, many people say that in business we need to measure (for example, Bob Pritchett, Fire someone today Rus eng). But at first I thought it was a waste of time on the account. I still think so: if all interested and money flowing, there is nothing to distract.

We don't have time to count money. They were considered rooms, therefore it is difficult to say how much money was there. These rooms are not protected – come and take. Security would have cost more”. Mavrodi

However, when the money stops flowing, and you can just search: where flow, where flow away. This is a useful analysis. At some point I made the discovery that half of the budget of the company consists of my expenses for office and personal driver. It was a funny time.

the Cabinet I had as a Minister: from my Desk I could not turn off air conditioning. The remote controller has neutralevil.

Once I had a driver. Although I lived a 10 minute walk from the office, the driver of every day came from Reutov to take me too, for 10 minutes. the Motorcade of Kadyrov at a scale of 1:42.


As I changed

it So happened that one day I was fired. Why is a separate conversation, but it was the right move. And did not stop once opened my eyes to the insanity going on around, it's hard to close them again. So I've done a lot more, including opened salary.

once upon a time I read a book about Brazilian dude, the owner of the plants. Once he opened the accounting work. He explained to them how it works, what the money is spent and where are their salaries.

Since then, I read the book, two years have passed, and I did the same. Why two years? Because when I read, I and income and expenses not taken into account. How something was made out by the accountant, and I was busy with other things.


As I discovered by

I am very bad at tracking my expenses. When we arranged the first office with a companion, it turned out that I

  1. half forgot,
  2. the
  3. didn't record it.

my companion sat and remembered: “And here's another outlet bought, how much were they?”.
So I no longer keep track expenses, and trust in others. Well, or they don't trust me is a joke. VusualPharm take into account the expenses of my colleague. Because she is devoted to spending more than me, full of mystery from the salaries did not.

But what ultimately convinced me was fat Phil from Evernote (the story in the book 4 Hour Body). He became daily to record weight and otherwise not change anything. And lost. I thought that if we all learn monthly income and expenses, you will save more and earn more.

And to the news of our income and expenditure became more interesting I became.

  • to add employees one percent of profit
  • the
  • or subtract one percent of losses.

the Idea is that they should look at the amount that they came at the expense as a salary, and to understand how it was a month for the company.


What happened

as soon As I changed the salary, I prepared myself for the worst:

  • anyone asks for a raise,
  • the
  • someone retires,
  • the sky will tighten clouds and thunder, the

  • rain of frogs.

the Apocalypse of the triptych of Hieronymus Bosch,

it was seconds, but nothing changed. The news came a month later. When I earned the award, no questions asked. But some think it did not react to any abuse.

Problem # 1: third-Party work

Since I have three half a separate business, VisualPharm only one of them, share some things at all:


    scope of responsibility for some employees divided between all. For example, there is one sysadmin that manages all the sites, and it pays for the business, which it is most needed and who hired him. Or accounting. Or procurement. the

  • some services is shared between all businesses. For example, the server pays, who needs a dedicated server, and the sites of other businesses with static content and little traffic, are hosted by friendship.

the Question that has occupied my colleagues: why should we do what you don't get money. Quite the contrary: what we deduct (a logical leap, which I still understand only in part). While explaining the parity distribution difficult:

  • first, it's difficult to explain something what he is not sure, and surely to establish the contribution of each business in every difficult.
  • the
  • secondly, any contribution is estimated asymmetrically.

the Paradox of the distribution of domestic work

When husband and wife asked what percent of the work each of them does, in total more than 100%. The husband may say: I do a lot, 40 percent. Wife: I've almost, 80 percent. Figures may vary but their sum is more than 100% in the majority of cases. Thus, people tend to overestimate their contribution and underestimate a stranger. Therefore, it is necessary to stop putting women stones, the divorce rate increases.


and in business. Staff VisualPharm sure that you give more than you get. What is the solution? To speak. At the bottom of the head we have an opening, called the mouth. He needed to talk and negotiate (how to talk to an angry employee who threatens to “find a normal job” — a topic for another article).

Problem No. 2: to explain my salary

I've also assigned a salary, very modest. However, this decision had in mind. Their attitude: you the owner of the company and make a profit, why do you have to calculate the salary. The difference between dividends and salary in the case of a sole owner is not visible. In this case, it seems the same, that is, double pay for the expense of colleagues.


My logic is different: the owner receives dividends. He invested in the business their money, job, name, etc., and receives dividends. For this purpose it is not necessary to work. If he still does, he needs to get paid. Thus, if my participation does not justify the salary that I currently pay, that is a reason to fire me and get another employee.

Solution: again, to speak, to explain, and to be prepared for the fact that doubts remain.



first, I do not need to hide information from colleagues. This openness. It's a five. Besides, I was possible-that you do not have to hide it. It all the same what not to tell children about sex — they'll find out anyway, only in the yard and in a distorted form. They will still know each other if you want, but under what sauce?

second, I think (Yes, here I enter the realm of speculation) it gives a clear idea of the purpose of business. I may say that the purpose of business — in making money, but it will be empty until then, is not backed by cash equivalent. Confirmation here both positive and negative.

About the positive non-monetary stimulation


Flip in the air stone and try to keep it with the help of some intangible incentive. Those who stood exactly under a rock, you can obtain a diploma on the way out.

About the negative non-monetary stimulation

You ever seen how the road ambush in front of gaishnaya car slow down, even if complied with the required 90+20=110 km/h? Why? Because bribes fine. Would they slow down if all they faced — a notation about road safety? In addition, if in response you can turn around and say, “I Have a lot of work, I'm not going to waste time”? (Free paraphrase of the Nigel Latta).

What else: open information creates a trust. We at work do not talk much about his personal life, but this isn't personal, right? It's a working life, and it should not be like North Korea.

And finally, focus on what to finally draw where to work next month (Rio? Thailand?) or just drink tea with sweet lump. They sell these at the cafe opposite the Pushkin Museum, one can only imagine.

Article based on information from


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