Where to register domain. Compare prices

Until recently, I had three problems with the domain registration:


    Select a domain and quickly verify his employment.
    Any domain name Registrar offers you a form where you enter the desired word, asks to send it, wait a few seconds to find out whether the name is available. Then repeat. If you are in a highly competitive niche where all vocabulary names are to have fun couple of hours. The problem for me for several years, he decided domainr, which verifies the domain as soon as you enter their names.

    Defer some good domains so as to choose the best.
    It's unbelievable, but almost no service except namemesh, does not add domains to favorites. Unfortunately, it asks to register, as we all love it. On the websites of the registrars task is solved by means of a basket. First add all in order, then throw out the excess. Long, uncomfortable, no options before my eyes.

    Buy domain where it is sold and where it is cheaper.
    The problem is the Registrar accreditation relates primarily to newTLD-domain (.bike, .restaurant, .tools, etc.). Your favorite logger can be easily .travel, but otsustati .work. Find out who can register for you already familiar domain .io not a trivial task, not to mention to find a place to do it cheaper.

    The task of the Registrar is to record the domain in a single database and provide the set of services associated with the address (DNS, SSL, etc.). The current reality is that almost all registrars offer the same services, but for completely different money. And if the difference is 300 rubles for the purchase .EN-the domain at other registrars are not particularly fundamental, to register a dozen typo-domains .net can cost from 3 000 to 13 000 depending on the Registrar ($8.99 / 650 R / $34.99).

Three weeks ago we had the work done on another project and I was in free swimming. Thinking over what to do next, I looked through the accumulated list of ideas. I wanted to make something simple, to learn a few new technologies and to solve the urgent problem. Suddenly, there was a puzzle.

Offer to your attention Domain is Here.

The service is super fast and simple answers to the questions "can I register a domain somadomain.tld?" and "what the Registrar and at what price?". In appendage favorites, search, which remembers what you are interested in some statistics.


Who needs it?

With this phrase began a dialogue with a colleague who owns the reseller site and owns several dozen domains.
— Who needs it? — skeptical he asked. — Normal people don't care and are professionals and already know where some prices.
— And you, for example, where .com take?
Here 412 rubles. I have great momentum, and therefore the maximum discount.
— See this list at least four of the Registrar that sell .com cheaper than 412 rubles.
— Hm, I wonder...



It was very difficult to force yourself to get over perfectionist the filter and display project which is in the alpha stage. On the other hand, is better used to understand whether the project meets the interests of the audience, than half a year to achieve a ideal and to understand that doing nothing.

About whois

Before swim into the abyss dns, whois server, IANA and ICANN rules, registrars and domain exchanges, my understanding about the industry was pretty superficial. The problems started at the stage of polling of remote servers. Professionals can not read, but people not associated with the administration of servers will be interested to know that the answer to the question "was this domain" — a very trivial task.
First, each domain has a whois-server address no way associated with the domain. So the questions about the domain .mo server meets the whois.monic.mo, and about .mini tell whois.ksregistry.net.

Second, information about some domains can only be obtained by requesting it via email (!) or by entering the request on the website and filling out the captcha (Hello, .es). There are workarounds and I'm still thinking about them.

Third, the servers provide information in a completely different form and in different languages. Some servers have a hard limit on the number of requests to them (Hello, .EN). There are servers dedicated exclusively to redirect to the other, but their bases often unreliable.

I was taken aback when a colleague asked me "what's the difficulty? Well rospars response console commands domain whois.tld".

About IDNs and new gTLDs

IDN — this is when part of the domain, or whole address is written in a language other than Latin. The story is fairly new (in contrast to the whois servers) and it seemed to be standardized. In practice, no one knows the common rules, which may or may not write a particular name. There are public table, but they are not complete, they do not have lots of domains (Hey, .Russia). In fact, to write a test on a correct name in the area .hell, you need to find the website owners zone and it may be published regulations.

In 2011 was adopted the New gTLD program at which it became possible to register any top level domains. Came here to strict standards, e.g. whois servers, but has become very difficult to determine the price of a domain at the time of pre-order or priority registration. The registrars display it in its interfaces are available domains that are only a few months. Prices for domains in the sunrise period, you can often find just putting the address in the shopping cart on the website of the Registrar.

About the name of the service

Despite the complexity and deviation from the standards in the domain market, the most difficult was to find a name for the service. Ironically, the tools to search for domains for almost a week looking for domain for yourself. The fact is that the word domain is used as such in the incredible combination of parsed names. However, nothing surprising.

Trying to find the name, I even used the services of the Textdreamer. Dozens of freelancers for $99 generate hundreds of names. Oh, those incredible fruits of creative thoughts! My psyche was enough to read to this option and to close the contest, stopping the counter at 710 proposed domains.

Interesting facts

  • Registrars to one another is trickier. For example, 1&1 zaregistrirovat for you almost any domain for $0.99. However, he will require registration for a few years. Obviously, prices for further years away from the market.
  • the
  • Or else, Domain.com sell you the domain .rich for only $10, but the second year will cost $2800.
  • the biggest difference among national domains in monetary terms at domain .na (the difference of $1950). In interest — .cf (difference 76), .cn (difference 23%). the

  • cheapest domains to date: .info, .pp.ua and .pw
  • the
  • List of accredited registrars with the domains that they register cheaper than anyone else.


What are your plans?

The first and most important is to understand the crap do I suffer, and whether there is a real need for what I do. Once this stage is passed, plan to take the following steps.
  • More registrars better. It often makes sense to add a local Registrar only for the sake of cheap local domains. For example, エルドメイン selling domains .jp in around 920 rubles, while the nearest competitor more than 2 000.
  • the
  • it is Necessary to carefully divide the domains to those that support IDN and others. For those that support, to correctly validate and warn if something is wrong. Now it only works for a few Cyrillic domains, like .website, .Russia, .Ukr and a few others.
  • the Next step is to make search more intelligent. To the domain, you can add prefixes, hyphens, Postfix, remove vowels, replace the consonant fragments (x -> cs, s -> z), reduplicative (data -> dadata) and other lexical tricks.


Other services

Here is the complete list of services that I found and that is something similar to what I was doing.
  • Domparison the Prices of many of the registrars on some popular domain zone.
  • the
  • Namemesh you Can pick up a domain with prefixes, variations in the spelling and in several areas. There are links and prices for the four registers.
  • the
  • Domaintyper the closest idea to the speed checker. Unfortunately, only a couple of registrars and several zones.
  • the
  • Bustaname Probably a handy utility for picking. Unfortunately, only five zones, and several loggers.
  • the
  • Domai.nr Project that inspired me to venture. The idea interface I borrowed from those guys.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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