How to make a good promo video for a startup. Part 2. Right off the bat

"Off the bat" is one of the basic scenario schemes the promos. Different from the previously reviewed schemes the lack of some terrible problems that need to be addressed immediately.
The scheme is good because it allows you to roll out a name, logo and the essence of the service almost from the first seconds. This means that even if the viewer turned off the video, running out of the theater, useful information about the project will have time to sign up for podborochka.
However, we still have to check out from your competitors, and the audience, which received the main information, there is already the feeling that "he had already seen somewhere", and the temptation to stop viewing. Therefore, there are increased requirements to the design and scenario.
Camera! Action!
Let's start with the classics. Let us examine the first movie in detail, as it is in many ways exemplary.
The main value of the service due from the first seconds of the video — though in the form of a question, but the question is clearly rhetorical. It immediately excites.
0:15 Frame "What you need" adds a brief introduction. Frame seems at first glance primitive, but transmits several important thoughts. First, it is very simple, judging by the size and content of the list. Secondly, this mobile application. Thirdly, those who enjoy, well done – they have the passion and all that.
0:20 In this entry ends. Next is storytelling: step by step instructions, which for all its straightforwardness solves a wide range of challenges facing the roller. First of all, it is certainly a user manual that helps him quickly settle into the app (Foursquare uses this video on the main page instead of the text "About the project"). But the main purpose after all-to talk fluently about the numerous benefits and kapushesky.
How to make the service immediately friendly? Find your friends there. If you have friends, everything is not so bad. Called the first step.
0:35 Very interesting technique – notes. On the one hand, tearing the thread of the narrative and lose a bit in dynamics, on the other hand, increasing the density of information per unit of time. The information in this case is really useful.
0:40 the second Step. Demonstrate basic functionality.
1:01 of the third Step. Finally reached use. Interesting premise. First give it (check in), then you get (look where marked other). Is it possible to keep user without the buns for a minute? Only if the second half of the video density values, which promise the user will go overboard. So happens.
1.10 Get recommendations about places near you (that's about the geolocation finally remembered).
1.16 Get the medals and badges.
1.30 Get the mayor.
1.35 Get discounts and gifts.
1.40 Get special deals.
1.45 After the new year end on a didactic note: the user, use the service everywhere!
From the point of view of the plot of this movie, you can take a sample of the script "off the bat". A cheerful start without delay or some troubled history, even narrative without repetition of the passed, a sound balance custom duties and values. Finally, quality graphics, that is not unimportant.
Among the shortcomings, I would have said primitive, repetitive music and some sluggishness happening on the screen.
As befits a movie with "the bat", it starts with logo and product description. For 10 seconds already begin to tell you how it works. Then begin to pour buns from the horn of plenty. Show how easy to pay: you can connect a plastic card, you can connect your discount card, can friends lend. Of course, everything is super-secret! Safer than credit cards! Do nothing: no software, no iron, no barcode. Your phone is your wallet!
Solid advantages of the revolution about which so long spoke of the Bolsheviks.
It shows this service is right for such a plot. When a bunch of benefits you can just in order to talk about them, not to suck the thumb of one problem and deal with it 1.5 minutes.
Among the shortcomings we see here a weak design and weak installation. Frankly, for all the usefulness of the product, the movie looking bored.
Representative of the genre, frankly, not the best. In this video you can see how important it is to do not just beautiful graphics, but also informative. In this video, graphic and not pretty and not informative. If the first catches the eye, the second you notice only after viewing.
Experiment. Turn off the music and try to understand what the movie, looking at an infographic. To understand the movie, not listening to the VoiceOver is extremely difficult. It turns out that the visual range is at idle.
FreeMonee – service with the original business model, a funny name and strong execution horoshista. From the first seconds of the video takes an enviable pace.
0:03 the Essence and benefits of the proposal. Actively use powerful zazvali: the world's first, gifts, shopping, free!
0:12 the gist in a nutshell: thousands of stores connected, well-known financial institutions. Gifts!
0:25 the Essence more. Invite there, present here, the notice on the phone user comes and buys it.
0:48 Even more. How the system works inside. Users, cards. We know that buying users and therefore know what to offer. Information is... Bank! Of course, all super-secret and encrypted!
1:22 After all is said stores applauded, and nick stiffened. They need to relax. Turning now to the users. Explain for them. Easy to use! Gifts! "Free money"! What should I do? Nothing — a piece of paper to sign. Gifts! Gifts! Gifts! Useful gifts!
The audience applauded, applauding, came to applaud.
It is evident that the movie is constructed like a pyramid: from simple to complex. Even Mrs. Barbara Minto told us that it was only right approach to the presentation of information. Information is growing like a snowball, drawing the audience into the vortex of consumer hooks and satyalok.
The video is a bit tightened, much repetition and exploitation of the words "gifts", "money", "free". But the topic is serious, — data privacy, plastic cards — so there is little to chew on. Besides, there are two audiences, and with each need to talk about her.
Not enough music for such a cheerful video.
The original clip. Voice over no voice. Text spacing no. In the beginning, flashed the logo of the program, but no explanation what it is. It turns out, no need to explain anything. Just watching the video, we understand that this is another todo Manager.
Authors were facing a really difficult task. How to convince the audience that a trivial program, the likes of which tens and hundreds, better than the other? Start telling us about how hard life was without this program, and we immediately close the clip, running out of the theater.
Like, what did the authors of the video — the right decision. They showed how nice and convenient to work with this program. Juicy, briskly, succinctly. The trailer for this reception perfect.
Pay attention to the place where the hero takes a SIP of coffee. This is the highlight. The authors are confident that the viewer looks carefully for their manipulation, making a dramatic pause: "like That? Second... Now have something to show you."
Google Maps 8-bit
What is the review without our beloved Big Brother. A wonderful example of the humorous, in fact viral video. You no challenges. Talk about the product, the value of which is himself. Accordingly, the challenge is to show it in all its glory and with humor.
The movie does not require any special comments. To make such a movie, you have to make a similar product.
This is the case when the product leaves us the right choice. It would be possible to make the roller according to the type of "Problem-solution". Hints of it are in the movie. In fact, the hero of the movie is voiced to us that one problem (always forget to buy new blades), another (bunch of unnecessary bells and whistles for which we overpay). It would be possible to collect all of these "seven woes" in the beginning of the clip, tighten a sad song for 30 seconds about the hard life of man, and then issue a "single answer." Many people probably would have closed the video at the first part...
Because it would not male a movie. By the way, interesting idea! Videos "problem-solution" kind of... whiny, not brutal. It's "off the bat". In the forehead. Man-to-man!
Look how authentic they succeeded with this strategy. Right in the beginning of the movie introduced and rolled out his greatest asset: "Our product is damn good" (literary translation :). And let's prick problems one after another as nuts, parallel to the rolling one after another the advantages of the product.
Rare unshaven viewer does not finish watching the video. Well, not porzhu from the heart. Good product + good banter = virus.
General conclusions
- When a specific problem, or is it banal, or it takes a long time to chew, we use the scheme "off the bat". Information too many to waste precious time to lose. the
- the Timing of commercials "off the bat" is determined by the complexity of the service, sensitive issues (e.g., privacy) and a number of target groups, which should be treated. Usually the duration does not exceed 2 minutes: FourSquare, MobilePay, FreeMonee, Clear, the
- length of the rows of rollers has a magic number of 9 at the end: FourSquare, FreeMonee. Apparently, there is also a marketing trick :) the
- If the scheme "Problem-solving" creativity and the humor was pleasant, but not a necessary addition, without them it is hard. Many of the videos "off the bat" have the potential viral: Google Maps 8-bit, the
- When the product has 100 competitors, one solution is to Balk at the ease and enjoyment of use: Clear the
- When the product has 0 competitors, it is possible to show the product itself and even a little trick on them: Google Maps 8-bit
Useful links the Site with the speaking name On Quora asked to distribute examples of good commercials for start-UPS Visual effects for film and advertising
Komrad thanks egge for useful links that helped to improve the article and came up with the idea for the next one.
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