Innovation or

I Want to speculate on the subject, which inspired me to start this story with register on habré.
/ > At best over the past 24 hours sandbox gave habru post "That overcomes the force of innovation?". The author was asked a question to the reader: to change the environment or to deal with bad genes? The answer is obvious: look at the situation differently.
But given the status of a read — only user, some of the actions I is not yet available on this resource.
So, the theme will be handy at the time of publication of my first appeal to the audience.

At best over the past 24 hours sandbox gave habru post "That overcomes the force of innovation?". The author was asked a question to the reader: to change the environment or to deal with bad genes? The answer is obvious: look at the situation differently. And at this very moment, the question takes the form of a discussion, and the main thing is to understand the participants in the conversation — what will be the innovation for the discussion of the moment? What is innovation for the improvement? This new knowledge or new materials? New technicians and engineers, or new players? A new coordinate system in the field of landscaping or a self-governing system?
If we consider the solution of the problem: a) the caretaker can initiate improvement works on different levels may submit change requests project ladnscaping its territory; b) the janitor has materials (eco — resin) to create and strengthen pathways and a fence, if it considers that the path is not valid through this lawn whether one of these solutions or both solutions in the amount of innovation in this area?
What possible will become a springboard to a new attitude in terms of improvement? Do received improve the quality of life on a couple of levels higher? Clear whether this breakthrough your piece on the murky glass, covering the view for the future?

Breaking away from textbooks, we define two fundamental topics Fira:

is innovation possible under the conditions of whether the innovator or group of innovators courage, professional talent, the ability to dream about the future, a team of talented associates
— for the qualitative indicator of innovation can be considered the degree of conductivity of innovation from the existing situation to the future

If you continue to think about the paths the same way as was done for some amount of time already, all decisions are possible under the existing will rely on material resources. Energy costs threaten energy itself, and so would, in any particular case of thinking inside established. So is it worth to think about improvements in the case of natural footpaths, or you need to think over the situation? If you want to be inside problem, if you are already skilled enough to go beyond the problem and change it thoroughly? What we do when looking for shortest path? We use in this case?

Still, the main issue articles, which uses for its purposes an example of a situation that requires innovative solutions in the field of landscaping, is the discourse about "how with the least losses (the most energy-efficient, although the word vulgar in its current use) to slide on a wave resisting innovation?".

To answer these arguments can only be fairly studied the core of the phenomenon of innovation, it suprisee value. Innovation is possible in the invention also, as in modification. Innovation can be applied and hypothetical. Innovative solutions are possible in private and public scale. Examples of seaplane innovation in an existing many — and so the DNA is really a true innovative solution already contains a certain Samooborona sequence to successfully overcome the oncoming waves of ignorance.

So is it worth to pay attention to the resistance when you try to do something really interesting? Yes, but for the most part, as the episode connected with the society. What in the process of implementing the innovation is to pay more attention to? Following the primary, not changed by the process object.
Article based on information from


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