Innovative way to get rid of sellers of innovation

Many Abracham probably familiar with the situation when on the phone or at a personal meeting pleasant or not people with admiration tells how the development of the company will improve the life of the company where you work, well your at the same time too. If your personal purchase will improve slightly, in most cases, you have to look for justification of the decision of refusal.

My method is based on the model of the life cycle of the adoption of the new technology proposed Jeffrey Moore. Its essence lies in the fact that any product or service at various stages of development can effectively be sold to different types of buyers:

innovators – these companies are able to change the fabric of entire industries, but a very large percentage of technology use leads to nothing. Often a company driven by pure interest in the technology.

-early adopters – the company is looking for new technologies and trying the first in the industry to implement. Believes competitive advantage is the ability to look beyond the competitors. Feedback from colleagues on the market only deter them because it will mean the obsolescence of technology.

-early majority – pragmatists, one of the most important conditions for decision-making for them is a positive opinion about technology from colleagues in the market.

-late majority – wait for when technology will become the industry standard.

-Laggards — don't even know about the existence of the technology, just use it.

To effectively get rid of the seller, you must:
1. To determine at what stage is offer You with the product or service
2. To acquaint the seller with this model
3. To report that your company does not match the phase of product development

I, as a representative of the "salespeople" too good – reasonable refusal saves time.
Article based on information from


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